About Us

We always work towards the requirement

At Greenbuds, we invite you to join us on this heartfelt journey. Let's create a community where kindness, compassion, and empathy prevail.


Greenbuds is a visionary digital marketing agency that thrives on identifying market needs and developing innovative solutions to fill the gaps. We have made it our mission to not only identify market needs but also create products that fill those gaps, leaving a lasting impact on people's lives. With our expertise in web development, digital marketing services, startup idea pitch deck creation, and startup consulting, we have been serving clients globally since 2018, successfully delivering over 150 projects with unwavering dedication.

In this endeavour, we are honoured to have the steadfast support of our core partner company, Idhazh Events. With their expertise in corporate events, marriage celebrations, and bespoke gatherings, Idhazh Events has been instrumental in bringing our vision to life. Together, we have crafted unforgettable experiences and managed prestigious occasions, ensuring that every detail is flawlessly executed.

At Greenbuds, we are not just a typical company. We are a team of compassionate individuals who believe in the power of giving back and making a difference. It was this belief that led us to discover an issue within the realm of product donations. While there are well-known institutions like orphanages and senior homes that receive donations, we realized that there are everyday heroes right in our neighbourhoods who silently struggle to provide even the simplest things for their loved ones.

A father who dreams of buying a pair of sports shoes for his son, but hesitates to ask for help. This realization ignited a fire within us to create a platform that brings together the hearts of people, fostering a sense of attachment and connection. We wanted to make donating and receiving donations a profoundly personal and emotional experience, where every act of kindness carries immense meaning. We envisioned a world where neighbours support neighbours, extending a helping hand without judgment or hesitation. At Greenbuds, we invite you to join us on this heartfelt journey.

Our Vision

Building a World of Connected Hearts and Helping Hands

At Greenbuds, we envision a world where kindness, compassion, Let's create a community where kindness, compassion, and empathy prevail.

Our Mission

Empowering Communities through Compassion and Innovation

Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.